chiropractic adjustment

Chiropractic adjustment is a method used by placing my hands or a tool to deliver a high velocity force into the spinal joints as well as joints of the extremities. The procedure typically is non-painful and very safe. Specific knowledge and expertise of how each of the joints of the body move where the limitations occur. For example the manipulation of the cervical spine is very different than a manipulation to your lower back as well as your wrist. All of these manipulations are preceded by a detailed physical examination to determine the safety and efficacy of the manipulation provided.

Chiropractic Neurology

Chiropractic neurology is simply a more in-depth physical examination to help determine the location of patient’s primary problem. I like to use this analogy to describe what the physical examination and neurology is. Imagine you are purchasing a house and all you can do is look through the windows to determine how the inside of the house is arranged, the quality of the walls, arrangements of the room the general layout of the interior of the house. The Physical examination of the human body is very similar. We use tools such as blood pressure, reflexes, blood work to get an impression of what is happening on the inside of the body. This is an incredibly useful tool for the basic physical examination. Chiropractic neurology is affording me the ability to have many more windows to look through. The more windows I have, I am afforded a greater ability to gain access to a higher quality examination. More windows to peer through, and level of detail and accuracy can be achieved. Having this level of detail and accuracy directly relates to the types of treatment which can be delivered.

spinal decompression

Nonsurgical spinal decompression is a motorized table which delivers a traction force to stretch the spine in a non-painful way. The patient is placed in a position to reduce muscle tightness to relax the lower back muscles, gluteal muscles and hamstrings to allow the spine to decompress or float. This decompression allows water nutrients and oxygen to enter into the disk space which is required for recovery. Patient complaining of pain related to disc herniation, sciatica, stenosis, degenerative disc disease may find great benefit to this treatment. As you can imagine, if you're suffering from intense lower back pain the last thing you might want is to have somebody twist your back to deliver manipulation. I can sympathize with that because I to have suffered from intense back pain in the past. The Utilization of this modality has provided extreme benefits for hundreds and hundreds of patients to achieve reduce pain & increase function. The spinal decompression treatments are often accompanied with other therapies during the visit. 

laser therapy

Laser therapy works through a process called photobiomodulation. When the laser is turned on it produces a beam that is near an infrared frequency. When it is absorbed by the body’s cells, a cascade of events occurs resulting in an increased production of cellular energy. With increased energy the body is able to better handle inflammation and increase the clearance of damaged cells What it really means? The laser is absorbed by the cell, producing a boost of energy that increases circulation, reduces inflammation and improves healing. Conditions treated ranges from disc herniation, sciatica, carpal tunnel, tennis elbow, tendinitis of the shoulder hips and spine.

Physical EnhancemenT

Over 26 years of clinical practice I’ve treated many athletes ranging from professional to Little Leaguers. I have to determine what specific actions that are required for that athletic performance. Treating a professional dancer is very different than treating a baseball pitcher. The demands of the body, the frequency of activity, self care, along with previous injuries all must be taken into consideration. For example: when treating a dancer a high degree of balance must be foundational for them to achieve choreography. Given that fact, repetitive strain can occur leading to imbalance in muscle function. Identification of imbalances to give restorative exercises will be foundational to the athletes self care program. Treatments can range from prescriptive orthotics, athletic taping to evaluating visual Blindspots. Every human being has a visual Blindspot in which the brain fills in so the representation of our world appears to be solid and fluid.But this actually is not the case, Imbalances often occur with the visual blindspot. For example: When hitting a baseball you’re seeing a 90 mile an hour fastball approach there is a moment in time in which your eyes actually do not see the ball. The geometric size of the Blindspot will determine how blind that visual representation is. By balancing the blind spots to as small as possible allows the batter greater opportunity to actually see the ball and use their God-given talents as an athlete and extensive training to make contact.

massage therapy

Massage therapy is prescribed after a detailed physical examination has been performed. If it's clinically indicated, I will prescribe a focused 30 minute massage to achieve the desired results we're seeking. There are many types of massage techniques and we try to accommodate the massage type with the specific requirements of the patient’s needs.


For any questions of information, please feel free to reach out.